I'm Elsa, author of Lipstick Road and fully confessed Beauty and Fashion addict. Photography enthusiast, red lipstick affectionate, and total nerd.
I created Lipstick Road, with a little help from my boyfriend, Louis, in the Summer of 2015. I felt the need to share my passion and connect with people over my interests. I've been wanting to create a blog for a very long time but never got the guts to do it. Now that it's here I'm more than happy with it and I hope you'll enjoy it.
I love to travel, although I'm scared on a plane, I love Day trip/getaways and you'll probably see a lot of that here. I love makeup, and I love to share my makeup looks, I also love fashion and I'm up to share my personal style here.
I hope you'll love this blog as much as I love create the content for it. You can subscribe to my Newsletter or follow me BlogLovin for some blog updates! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram as well, definitely my favorite form of social medias!
Don't forget to leave a comment, I'll be more than happy to read your impressions and thoughts and reply.