More and More Pasta // Recipe
Hey there,
Today I'm showing you another pasta recipe I came up with. By now, I'm sure you all know I love pasta but don't worry I don't eat pasta every single day of the year. What I love about making pasta is how easy and delicious it is to add vegetables to eat or coming up with a sauce for it.
This recipe isn't much different from the last one I showed you because it is still starring Zucchinis! However, I did come up with a delicious sauce for the dish that makes it even more delicious than with the Pesto sauce.
It's super easy to make, takes 10 minutes, and is super delicious!
Ingredients (for two persons):
- Any kind of pasta (I used Noodles)
- One Zucchini
- 3 cherry tomatoes
- Basil
- 10 cl of Cream (two table spoons of fresh cream)
- Two slices of shallot
First of all, I start by putting water to boil for my pasta (Duh), while the water is boiling, I wash my zucchini. Once it's clean I just cut the zucchini in small pieces.
Then it's time to cook the zucchini, so I just put the small pieces in a pan and let them cook at a medium heat.
When the water is finally boiling I add my pastas and let them in the boiling water for 8-10 minutes, but it depends on the kind of pasta you're using.
While everything is cooking, I take a saucepan, add the cream in it and wait for it to melt and get the texture of a sauce. I usually let the cream melt at a low heat.
Then I take my shallot and cut two slices in small pieces. I add the pieces into the cream sauce and stir. Next step is adding the cherry tomatoes. So I take my 3 cherry tomatoes, cut them in half and add the pieces to the sauce.
You'll want the shallot and tomatoes to really soak in the sauce so keep stirring, the sauce should be a little red. Then you can add basil, as much as you'd like, salt and pepper.
When the pastas are done cooking, just drain them and add butter. Then you can go ahead and add your cooked zucchinis and then add the sauce.
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See you soon,
OMG that looks so delicious !!!!